Growth Consulting for a UK based MNC.

Date: 14 Jan 2023 | Posted by: Q4’s Team


This is a mid-sized company with multiple businesses operating in different industries. Despite having a dedicated finance team, it struggled to manage its finances efficiently, which often led to delays in decision-making and difficulty in achieving its strategic goals. The Group’s founder realized the need for a financial partner who could help them manage their finances and validate their business events and transactions in line with their long-term and short-term goals.


After exploring various financial partners, the Firm has decided to work with Q4 Accounting. Q4 team quickly got to work and conducted a situational analysis to understand the company's financial state of affairs, challenges, and goals. Based on this analysis, Q4 translated the founder's vision into a financial model and delivered reports and models that aligned with the firm’s goals. Q4 also worked on short-term working capital management, restructuring the capital, and carved out a robust process that helped them manage its finances more efficiently.


As the engagement with Q4 progressed, the firm began to experience significant positive changes. The financial models and reports delivered by Q4 provided the company with a clearer understanding of its financial situation. This clarity helped it become more confident in its decision-making process. The continuous review mechanism implemented by Q4 helped foster constant growth, and the company's finance team benefited from working with Q4's experienced professionals.

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